Launching August 29th, 2022

One Stream of income is to close to ZERO

learn how to build an online store as a side-hustle  all in 6 weeks

Learn how to build an online store step by step...

What is the new major project?

The New Major Project is a 6-week cohort, we’ll be building a new eCommerce business from scratch. Our audience will learn as we build step by step, the project will include weekly worksheets, live sessions, and AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions with successful entrepreneurs who’ve built successful eCommerce business and  are willing to share the secret sauce. 

What Included?
5 week live store build + full year of new major trends

What is

Ismail Ajakaiye is a digital marketing consultant and entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience consulting and growing small to mid-size businesses – both on and off-line.  He’s worked with clients such as Nestle, Beneful (Purina Brand), American Express, and Major League Baseball. As an entrepreneur, he’s launched and operated brands, Dailyfreshclothing, and Autodetails (Amazon product)

why this is
right for you

Everyone has ideas, so what's next

The New Major Project is a hands-on eCommerce growth experience. Learn as we build and grow an eCommerce business from scratch – learn as we execute, and provide you with step-by-step instructions to build your online store as a side hustle. This is the only over-the-shoulder program you need to boost sales and grow your online business.

The ecommerce


by the numbers

E-commerce sales in the second quarter of 2021 accounted for 17.1 percent of total sales.


A community of diverse entrepreneurs building the next great eCommerce brands.

What inside
a 6-week step by step live build
learn how to build an online store

get an all access pass
to learn how to build an online store
step by step

Week 1: choose your customer + branding

Selecting the right customer is the foundation of any great brand. In week 1, we’ll begin to set the foundation for selecting the right customer avatar for your brand. We’ll also begin to lay the foundation for core branding principles to help set you apart from the competition.

Week 2: sourcing

Learn how to find the right manufacturers and develop high-quality products that sell.

Week 3: Build + MARKETING 2022

We’ll help you build an online store even if you have no tech skills. Learn to build out an online store utilizing Shopify and drag and drop systems. Learn the paid, owned, and earned strategies that are working in 2022.


Build a launch strategy that has your customers buying from you even before you’ve launched your product through proven pre-launch strategy methods utilized by some of the most successful DTC companies.

Week 5: building and managing teams  

Let’s build out your off-shore and on-shore team. Learn how to build a team that’ll help you manage and grow your online business on-demand.

Week 6: Post-launch + scaling  

Post-launch learn how we’re planning to continue to scale our online business, and how you can develop a 30-day post-launch content success calendar to follow day by day.

wait there's even more..

Receive free weekly updates on The New Major Project. Learn the strategies and tools to build your online store.  

Watch over 1.5 hours of on-demand lessons on marketing, branding, and growing your e-commerce business. 

Connect with other All-access members in our private forum. 

Join our live weekly call to dive deep into our weekly e-commerce lessons. Have questions? Get them answered in our live ama sessions 

Learn from proven entrepreneurs willing to share the secrets to running a successful online business. 

Access easy fill-in-the-blank templates for branding, product selection, and online store management. 

Select a membership

Gold Member

Free Membership


Free Account

  • Weekly email report: Receive the step-by-step report on the New Major Project. Learn as we build a new online store from idea to launch
  • New Major Trends Newsletter: We send you weekly side hustle and business  ideas so good we'd launch them ourselves
  • 6 Live eCommerce growth workshop sessions (Thursday) *add on
  • Cheatsheets, Building Templates, and a Proven framework to follow for successful launches
  • Members-only groups connect with other entrepreneurs both starting and growing online stores
  • Safe and secure checkout


premium memership

Sales Price


Full Price

  • On-demand Video Lessons: Over 1.5 hours of marketing, branding, and growth lessons.
  • Weekly email report: Receive the step-by-step report on the New Major Project. Learn as we build a new online store from idea to launch
  • New Major Trends Newsletter: We send you weekly side hustle and business  ideas so good we'd launch them ourselves
  • 6 Live eCommerce growth workshop sessions (Thursday) *add on
  • Cheatsheets, Building Templates, and a Proven framework to follow for successful launches
  • Members-only groups connect with other entrepreneurs both starting and growing online stores
  • Safe and secure checkout

 Copyright 2022 FYI with Ismal All Rights Reserved