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please watch the video below 

it includes some important dates and information 

What is the new major project?

The New Major Project is a 6-week cohort, we’ll be building a new eCommerce business from scratch. Our audience will learn as we build step by step, the project will include weekly worksheets, live sessions, and AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions with successful entrepreneurs who’ve built successful eCommerce business and  are willing to share the secret sauce. 

Week 1: choose your customer + branding

Selecting the right customer is the foundation of any great brand. In week 1, we’ll begin to set the foundation for selecting the right customer avatar for your brand. We’ll also begin to lay the foundation for core branding principles to help set you apart from the competition.

Week 2: sourcing

Learn how to find the right manufacturers and develop high-quality products that sell.

Week 3: Build + MARKETING 2022

We’ll help you build an online store even if you have no tech skills. Learn to build out an online store utilizing Shopify and drag and drop systems. Learn the paid, owned, and earned strategies that are working in 2022.

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